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TOKYO TOWER Art Fair Contemporary art fair in the iconic Tokyo Tower. 東京タワーアートフェア (24.-26. Mai 2024)

Die von Direktor Natal Vallvé organisierte Kunstausstellung zeigt Arbeiten von zeitgenössischen japanischen und internationalen Künstlern.

"The TTAF 2023 will showcase a hand-picked selection of national and international exhibitors from more than 30 countries, making this a great opportunity to discover a worldwide representation of the contemporary art scene. (...)

The art fair has become one of the most anticipated events for both Japanese and foreign artenthusiasts. They see it as an opportunity and a privilege to participate in this 3-day satellite art fairto Art Fair Tokyo, the largest art fair in Japan and the oldest in Asia.".

(Kommentar zur Ausstellung 2023)


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